January 2015 General Meeting Minutes

Soulard Restoration Group General Meeting Minutes

Jan. 7, 2015

Board members in attendance: Beth Bennett, Sean Cochran, Luann Denten, Nancy Kelly and Alicia Stellhorn

Absent: Jeremy Mehrle, Jackie Parker, Steve Parker, Michael Pastore, Jill Weissgerber and Mike Ziemann 

The meeting was called to order by President Nancy Kelly at 7 p.m. There were 67 people in attendance and Nancy thanked everyone for coming out on such a VERY cold night.

Introductions were made of the board members.

Acknowledgements were made to Phyllis Young who retired as 7th ward Alderman.

Julie Dinkelmann is stepping in as secretary tonight to record the minutes. Secretary Steve Parker was on vacation.

Tonight’s social will be at Frank Reynold’s and Al Fernandez’s home at 2219 Menard.  

Nancy asked for a motion to accept the minutes and treasurer’s report from the December meeting.

Introduction of new members

A)    Officer Brian Min’s report

1)      no robberies in December

2)      3 burglaries and 2 car break-ins

3)      he passed around a wanted flier of suspect

B)    Mack Bradley of Mardi Gras Foundation introduced

1)      Mardi Gras Mayor’s Ball and community grants discussed

2)      Members of Foundation Board

3)      Question was asked how one may get appointed to MGF Board. Mack said that they review nominations once a year and that he will put that info online. 

4)      Question was asked why community grant money went to the Boys Club and not for security cameras. MGF (not a neighborhood association) said they preferred brick-and-mortar projects. Security cameras are no longer a hot issue and they like to pick projects that will be around for a long period of time.

C)    Tim Lorson, executive director of Mardi Gras Inc. introduced

1)      parking and other info will be distributed to doorways

2)      this info will be subsequently mailed and is available on line

D)    Ryan Carter was introduced, who will be introducing Soulard to a new party bus company

E)     Andy Garrett is rehabbing the 104-year-old Library on Lafayette Avenue. It will be called Woody’s and will be modeled after Fast Eddie’s type of food and entertainment. They are planning a soft opening Jan. 24, and opening for good before Mardi Gras. He would like anyone to pass on any old pictures to him they might have.

F)     Marathons

1)      Luann Denten has been in contact with Ann Chance to better regulate parking by changing notifications on the weekend of the races. 

2)      Question was asked about the inconvenience these races cause and Luann assured all that it was an ongoing job and that there will be improvement. 

3)      Billy Tomber thanked Luann Denton and Jackie Parker for their involvement.

G)    Judith Howard was introduced. She is reopening the old HiWay bar at 13th and Lynch. It will be called Howard’s in Soulard and it will feature music, full bar and light fare. She hopes to open this spring/summer.

H)    Clementine’s is opening as Shelley’s. Please come by for a tour or concerns anytime. There was a question raised about their water line mess and because it is an awesome and complete rehab, the water line mess was unavoidable. 

I)       Jan. 10 are the Mouse Races at the American Legion

J)       Jim Price is selling long-sleeved Mardi Gras T-shirts. He will have them at the February meeting. He also mentioned a Trivia Night at Mad Art on Jan. 10.

K)    Smarty Gras is Jan. 17.


A)    Beautification/Richard Eaton

1)      Vices and Virtues Ball on Jan. 31.

B)    Code and Zoning/Jay Gibbs

1)      Jay hopes that AT&T won’t take any action against our fence we put up surrounding the AT&T boxes in Pontiac Park

2)      Question was asked if masonry is allowed to be painted in Soulard.  Jay suggested calling the Citizen’s Bureau to answer that type of question.

C)    Resident Promotion/Luann Denten

1)      Soulard merchandise is for sale and she is placing a second order soon

2)      Special thanks to Mark Lambert for playing Santa Claus in Soulard. Great job!

3)      Soulard tapestry blankets will be available for purchase next month.

D)    No Membership report-just a reminder that their next meeting is Thursday, Jan. 8, 7:00 at the Soulard Station.

E)     Safety/Bill Clendenin

1)      Bill handed out very informative crime statistics.

2)      Next Safety committee meeting will be at 7 p.m. Monday, Jan. 12, at the Soulard Station. 

3)      Bill reminded everyone not to start their cars up in this cold weather and go back inside.

F)     Fundraising/Rick Dungey

1)      Smarty Gras is full on volunteers!!  Thank you everyone!

2)      There will be 8 categories

3)      Up until this Friday, you may buy a table of 10 for $225.

Motion to end meeting by Julie Price, seconded by Jack Coatar at 8:04 p.m.







January 2015 Board Meeting Minutes


December 2014 General Meeting Minutes