November 1, 2023

by Elizabeth Henry

At 7:04 p.m. Abbey Bethel, President, called the meeting to order.

1. Opening Remarks

Abbey introduced Board Members present including President-Elect Adriano Martinez, Treasurer Debby Brown, Secretary Liz Henry, Stephen Shuman, Connie Suydam, Craig Markham, and Abby Goodson.  

Abbey reminded the Membership that best practice during meetings is to only bring forward questions that are for the good of the whole and relevant to other attendees.

2. Committee Updates

Membership Committee

Julie Price, Chair of the Membership Committee, invited new members to come to the front to introduce themselves. The owners of a new Asian-Fusion restaurant coming to the old Woodshack location took the opportunity to provide updates on their plans and that they hope to open by year-end. 

Julie updated the SRG that their total roster was up to 420 members. Any updates or corrections to the Membership Roster should be directed to committee member Veronica Putz. The October Off-the-Island members event was postponed and rescheduled to Sunday, November 5th. 

Safety Committee 

Andrea Maddox-Dallas, Chair of the Safety Committee, reminded membership that the second annual First Responders Breakfast will be this Saturday. It is a joint effort between the SRG and the American Legion – donations will be welcome. Andrea encouraged members to attend and meet these first responders before they are first-responding! Andrea also reminded general membership about the GroupMe app, and if anyone would like to be a Zone Captain on the app, please email

Beautification Committee

Richard Eaton, long-time chair of the Beautification Committee, asked committee members to stand up for recognition. In particular, Richard recognized John Durnell for his 25 years of service on committee and shared some personal events through which John remained a consistent member.

Richard then invited Jeff Weitzel, Susan Wiegand, and Phillip Hanley to the front and announced that these three individuals will take over leadership on the committee. Jeff is the new chair, and Susan and Phillip will support his efforts as deputy chairs. 

Jeff remarked that he has big shoes to fill. He thanked both Richard and John. His big news to share was regarding the latest fundraiser: it was a great success and made nearly $17,000 after expenses. He noted we could not have done it without the support from Luke (of Molly's).

Development Committee 

The Development Committee did not present tonight, but Abbey noted that their Oktoberfest fundraiser was a success. She gave a shout-out to Jim Dallas, committee chair, for organizing and supporting the 70-75 volunteers who ran the beer booth. We won't know the SRG’s portion of beer sale collections until January, but Abbey invited Jim to share what was in earned in tips alone. Jim noted that last year, collecting tips on credit cards was not an option, so those earnings were entirely new revenue for us this year. In addition to $300 in cash tips, credit card tips totaled about $2,500. 

Communications Committee

Brenton Henry, chair of the Communications Committee, listed what all the committee covers, including the email newsletter and the newspaper. The committee’s latest meeting focused on the new SRG website. Brenton says the committee’s thorough planning is paying off as the elements are now coming together quickly. 


For the Community Involvement & Events Committee (CI&E), Abbey presented on Brad Pitlyk's behalf and noted that the committee’s first event, a neighborhood kickball tournament, was announced in the email blaster today. Save the Date: January 13, 2024 at 12 noon. More details to come.

Historical Committee

For the Historical Committee, Neil and Veronica Putz presented together. December 2nd Parlour Tour tickets are now available for purchase. This year’s theme is “Meet Me in Soulard.” Jaimeson Fredericks is coordinating volunteers.


Walker Hamilton, Chair for PRT/ "Code & Zoning," reminded renters to call the City’s Building Division for issues they are experiencing with their homes. The PRT is not the correct resource for safety issues, health of structures, or occupancy concerns (e.g., AirBNB). He also shared some of the plans submitted for review.

3. Treasurer's Report

Debby Brown, Treasurer, reported that the current net income is $12,000 and we have $92,000 cash on hand. 


4. Neighborhood Organizations

Soulard Business Association (SBA) – Laura Leibert said that the life of the SBA Passport has been extended to 12/31, and the new bagel shop will participate with a buy-one get-one offer. The SBA is also sponsoring a new water fountain going into Soulard Market Park. 

Community Improvement District (CID) – John Durnell announced that more speed humps coming in, and lights and water bubblers are getting replaced in areas within the CID. In order to avoid issues associated with water freezing, the bubblers will not look historical, but they will have a bottle filler and a bowl at the bottom for dogs. 

Mardis Gras, Inc. (MGI) – will have a lot of information about all the events starting January 6th and on into February.

6. Crime Report 

Officer Kevin Dilg of the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, Third District Police Liaison, reported crimes from the past month. There was a collective groan when he noted a stolen firearm was taken from the glove compartment of a victim's golf cart. He advised not to leave things in your golf cart, particularly firearms.

Generally, Kias and Hyundais are still being stolen but not at the rate they were last summer. He advised that owners of these vehicles take them to the dealership to get software updates as soon as possible.

A conversation and Q&A session ensued regarding the 911 dispatch response time. Officer Dilg confirmed there are vacancies on staff. The EMS, Fire, and Police dispatchers are currently housed separately but will eventually be centralized. 

Related, it was clarified that the Soulard Special Business District base property tax pay for The City's Finest (TCF) secondary patrol. 

Additionally, the homeless encampment discussed in recent SRG meetings has been "decommissioned" and is now building itself back out on MODOT property. Officer Dilg advises the SRG to communicate with our alderperson about the issue.

7. Alderperson Update

Ward 8 Alderwoman Cara Spencer presented on three live bills: one is a Homeless Bill of Rights. The other two are Zoning Bills. Cara does not agree with the Homeless Bill of Rights because it is not a comprehensive plan compared to how other cities have successfully handled homelessness and does not take into consideration a long-term approach of getting people into homes. 

Cara Spencer remarked that Soulard approaches homelessness with a kind heart but rational perspective. The neighborhood offers services and is conscientious but also wants to protect people and businesses here. 

Cara is concerned that the City has only spent about $84 million of the $500 million ARPA funds received during the COVID pandemic. About $35 million is needed to get the 911 dispatch where it should be. 

She also flagged that there could be a 32% increase coming in sewer services from the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District (MSD). The MSD has a board of commissioners that make these decisions and should be contacted by any citizens wishing for them to consider a lower increase option. Concerns regarding the fact that the MSD board is appointed and not overseen by any public service commission should go to the Mayor and County executives. 

She also remarked on all the speed humps getting approved: “Y'all are getting humped!”

The old Jimmy Johns and Quiznos on South Broadway are becoming marijuana dispensaries. Both have the right under current law, though the drive-thru option in each location is not by right. 

8. President's Update

The next SRG election is approaching. By December 1st, this year’s nominating committee will be appointed. For nominations, please contact Abbey at

After summarizing some key takeaways from this meeting, Abbey requested a motion to adjourn.

Brenton Henry made the motion, and Richard Eaton seconded. John Durnell thirded. The motion passed, and the meeting adjourned at 8:14 p.m. 


