March Board Meeting

March 15, 2023

Board Members present included: Abbey Bethel, President; Debby Brown, Treasurer; Chris Currington, Secretary; Nancy Lambert; Craig Markhan; Karen Moske; and Gary Toribio.

Abbey Bethel called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m. and welcomed attendees. 

1. Secretary’s updates

Chris Currington discussed the procedure for approving General Membership and Board Meeting minutes to the end of his term as secretary. The minutes from the recent Special Board Meeting will take precedence over the others for bookkeeping reasons. 

2. Treasurer’s report

Debby Brown said that she ran a financial report and SRG currently has ~$87,000, which does not include the $10,000 donation to the Beautification Committee for a special art installation in the neighborhood. 

As for Mardi Gras and the SRG beer booth, there hasn’t been a check received from Mardi Gras Inc. yet for the portion of the booth’s beer sales, but additional money has been received from tips. 

Abbey Bethel said that there will be opportunities for the Community Involvement & Events Committee to budget and put money back into the neighborhood. There will also be recruiting opportunities (dues) at the upcoming Membership Drive. 

3. Retreat and follow-on activities

Craig Markham said that the next Board should focus on how to engage younger members. He’s held conversations, and there may be an opportunity to have a “mixer” (perhaps at Molly’s) with an hour of free drinks and appetizers with an opportunity to talk about SRG and make connections. 

There was a discussion about conversations that Board members have had with various apartments and residents in the neighborhood. Craig added that the owner of the Lemp Mansion expressed that they’d rather be a part of Soulard, so there may be opportunities to expand SRG. Gary said that there may be opportunities to reenergize SRG, and that the bylaws can be revisited to expand the area. 

There was a discussion about changing or not changing the name of SRG. If there would be any changes, it would be up to the General Membership to vote on it. 

4. Beautification Committee

Karen Moske, Board Liaison to the Beautification Committee, discussed the following: 

  a. Richard Eaton, Chair of the Beautification Committee, had people come through Pontiac Square Park to work on flower beds, and they had to pick up hundreds of cigarette butts. Richard wants to get ash tray/cigarette butt containers by the benches. The Board discussed and said it would have no problem with this. 

  b. Previously, Jim Dallas and Michael Pastore wanted reassurance about any approvals for the sculpture (special $10,000 donation from Luke/Molly’s for a piece of art in Soulard). Richard wants to talk with Luke about where the art could/should go, and Richard wants the Board to be assured that it will know about the art selection and installation.   

  c. The Beautification Committee was asked if it could do anything about the homeless at Highway 44 and Gravois. Richard asked the neighborhood alderman, and the response was that nothing can be done because they’re not under an overpass, which is dangerous. 

  d. The pots (planters) on neighborhood corners haven’t been assigned watering responsibilities yet. Gary Toribio said that a lot of money comes in for neighborhood beautification, and that the next SRG Board should look at how to spend that money for beautification. The committee should be encouraged to spend more. 

5. Fence at the Soulard Station

Karen Moske made the motion regarding the fence at the Soulard Station and moved to approve up to $12,000 for the fence, plus determining which of the three bids to approve from the Soulard Station Committee and the SRG Board. Craig Markham seconded the motion. 

All voted in favor of approving $12,000 for the fence at the Soulard Station, plus determination by the Soulard Station Committee and SRG Board which of the three bids to approve. 

The motion passed.

6. Historical Committee

Craig Markham, Board Liaison to the Historical Committee, said that the Historical Committee would like to sponsor the Landmark Association’s Trivia Night. The sponsorship will be $200. Abbey Bethel said this amount could fall under the Board’s charitable giving budget. 

Craig Markham made the motion for the $200 sponsorship, to come from charitable giving, for the Landmark Association’s Trivia Night. Karen Moske seconded the motion. 

All voted in favor of the $200 sponsorship. 

The motion passed

7. Safety Committee

Nancy Lambert, Board Liaison to the Safety Committee, reminded the Board members about the Safety Committee’s upcoming event at iTap and Epic. This will be a brainstorming event about what needs/can be done to improve neighborhood safety. 

8. Adjourn

Karen Moske made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Craig Markham seconded. 

All voted to adjourn the meeting at 8:07 p.m.


