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About The SRG

The Soulard Restoration Group (SRG) was formed in 1972 when a group of individuals organized and filed papers with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. A National Historic District designation allows for, among other things, the preservation, protection and enhancement of historic and architecturally-significant buildings within the District.


About The SRG

The Soulard Restoration Group (SRG) was formed in 1972 when a group of individuals organized and filed papers with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. A National Historic District designation allows for, among other things, the preservation, protection and enhancement of historic and architecturally-significant buildings within the District.

About the Soulard Restoration Group


The purposes of the SRG are to:

  • foster community improvement

  • encourage restoration and preservation of District property

  • participate in the beautification and reestablishment of public areas, and to support necessary public improvements

  • stabilize the community by fostering civic pride

  • have the power to acquire property, both real and personal and to use property to foster the aforementioned goals

  • encourage and support, but not sponsor, political legislation for the preservation, restoration, and improvement of the District

  • raise necessary funds to carry out SRG-initiated programs

  • to support any social/civic organizations whose purpose are complementary to the SRG

  • function as a neighborhood association for the District

Read the full text of the SRG Bylaws [PDF]

Join / Renew/ Donate

Join / Renew/ Donate

Join or Renew Your Membership

We invite you to become a member of the SRG neighborhood association so you can meet your neighbors, make new friends and have a voice in what happens in the Soulard community. Our organization, the neighborhood and its residents benefit from your participation.

Voting and non-voting memberships are available. A voting membership allows you to have a voice in issues before the General Membership and in deciding committee members and board members. As a voting member, you may choose to participate in the organization more fully as you will be eligible to lobby and run as a board member or officer.

We have provided several levels of membership, please choose the one that’s best for you.



Any amount

Voting Members



Individual Voting Member of the SRG

Voting Household RESIDENTS


Voting SRG Household (two votes)

Voting Senior 65+ RESIDENT


Individual Voting Senior SRG Member

Non - Voting Members

Business - Non Voting


Business Member of the SRG (Non Voting)

Friend of SOulard


 Just a friend of the Soulard (Non Voting)

The Board

The Board

Soulard Restoration Group Board Members

According to our bylaws (Article V, Section 1) the SRG’s Board of Directors is to consist of 11 members: the President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, the Immediate Past President, and six Directors elected At-Large.

Elections to the Board are held at the general membership meeting each spring. All voting-level members in good standing are eligible to vote.

If you would like to contact a board member directly, please email


Adriano Martinez

Amanda Ramcharan

Abby Goodson

Debby Brown


Aaron Terry

Alan Ziegler

Beth Bennett

Joy Christensen

Paula Dostal

Wade Weistreich




We always welcome new members and volunteers to help chair and participate in our committees. If you’d like to share your time and special talents in the development of our neighborhood, we are certain we have a place for you. We know the SRG will benefit from your participation!

Please send an email to the Chairperson for the committee you’re most interested in [see sidebar], or the current SRG PRESIDENT for more information on how you can get involved. Or you may come to a monthly General Membership Meeting. Thank you!

SRG Beautification Committee

The Beautification Committee consists of a group of SRG volunteers, who by their involvement through plantings and maintaining of public parks promote community involvement that results in a beautiful, safe and cared-for neighborhood.  Each season, green thumbs and green thumb “wannabes” gear up to maintain the following gardens:  9th & Sidney Triangle, Soulard Market Park Celebration garden, Soulard Station Garden, Aboussie Park, and the gardens at Pontiac Square Park.  The committee also provides and plants potted containers throughout the neighborhood and works with additional resident and business volunteers to maintain them.  They also collaborate with Brightside St. Louis on projects.   Other committee efforts include fundraisers, tours, and awards programs.  Contact

SRG Code & Zoning Committee and Plan Review Team

The Code & Zoning Committee and Plan Review Team (PRT) are resources for residents, property owners, builders, developers, and designers completing work to buildings within the Soulard Historic District.  They provide review for proposed projects, guidance for changes and new construction, and input on zoning concerns.  They are also a resource for the City’s Cultural Resource Office, which is responsible for the oversight of Historic Districts.

Each year, the Code & Zoning Committee nominates and presents the Construction and Renovation Star Awards to projects completed the previous year that uphold the Historic Standards and contribute to the Historic character of the built environment in the neighborhood.

For all proposed construction and renovation projects within the Soulard Historic District, a copy of the Construction and Restoration Guidelines for the Soulard Historic District is available online at the Soulard Historic District, City review and approval is required.  Before homeowners/property owners begin the permit process, the Code & Zoning Committee and Plan Review Team stand ready to help get your project in line with the Soulard Historic Code.  Please contact the committee at


SRG Communications Committee

A committee created in 2006, whose mission is to gather and disseminate information for a consistent and cohesive message.  The committee brings together the different areas of communication:  the Soulard Renaissance Newspaper, the Website:, the Email Blaster list, the Board of Directors, and Community Relations.  As official spokesperson for the organization, the President, is an ex-officio member, as is the editor of the Soulard Renaissance Newspaper.  The Email Blaster list provides information, bulletins, and the “Save the Date Calendar” via email to members.  To contact the committee send an email to

SRG Community Involvement and Events Committee

The Community Involvement & Events Committee’s purpose is to build, leverage, and engage a diverse and inclusive membership through a set of events where everyone in the Soulard neighborhood is invited to attend. The events will be diverse in nature and appeal to a broad base of neighbors and families of all backgrounds. This Committee will also work with other committees on their events to ensure that every attempt has been made to invite all Members and non-members to various events that are held and sponsored by SRG throughout the year. To get involved, email

SRG Development Committee

The Development Committee works throughout the year to secure funds that are used for projects to benefit the neighborhood.  Funds are sought through grant writing and through activities such as an Annual Trivia Night, by working beer and beverage booths at Mardi Gras, Soulard Oktoberfest, Taste of St. Louis and other events, and through the sales of trademarked merchandise and promotional items.  

Purchase of Soulard trademarked products can be made by contacting the committee at a meeting, or by emailing

SRG Historical Committee

The Historical Committee develops and implements projects to research, document, archive, and publicize historical information associated with Soulard.  These projects include historical markers and signs, historical tours and pamphlets, and historical support to sister SRG committees. The committee provides historical services to the SRG, including serving as a focal point for the many SRG members who study history, as well as a resource for SRG members who wish to learn more of their house history. The committee will continually build and increase the historical legacy of the Soulard neighborhood, promote Soulard history to the public, and provide research services (or referrals) to SRG membership.  SRG members with questions about their own house history, or any other history questions, are invited to contact the committee at:

SRG Membership Committee

The Membership Committee is dedicated to enabling people to enjoy the many opportunities Soulard has to offer.  The key to all of these opportunities is membership in the SRG, and the Membership Committee exists to make all Soulard residents aware of the benefits of membership.

The committee plans and promotes community events focused on connecting neighbors through parties, games, and other social activities.  The committee delivers Welcome Gift Bags to new homeowners in the neighborhood, publishes the SRG’s annual Membership Roster (a directory of both residents and businesses), and hosts our annual Membership Drive (Party) each May in support of new and renewing memberships.

To become a member of our neighborhood association, you can either (1) join online (, (2) complete and submit the application published in our Renaissance newspaper, or (3) contact the committee directly at  The Membership Committee is always looking for SRG members who would like to volunteer to join the committee – interested members are invited to email the committee.

SRG Parlour Tour Committee

The Parlour Tour Committee plans and coordinates one of Soulard’s most traditional annual events – the Soulard Holiday Parlour Tour.  Held on the first weekend in December, the tour opens six or seven historic Soulard residences and other structures in a traditional holiday atmosphere.

SRG Properties Committee and Soulard Station Committee

The Soulard Properties Committee maintains and operates all real property controlled by the SRG, which at this time includes only Soulard Station.  Soulard Station is a landmark building which was formerly a service station on Historic Route 66.  The property is entirely owned by the SRG and is used for SRG Board and committee meetings as well as community functions.  For contact, or   

SRG Safety Committee

Safety begins with you! The Safety Committee seeks to increase awareness of safety issues in our community and ways to prevent crime. The members of the Soulard Safety Committee are committed to nurturing a safe and desirable environment for those who live, work, and visit our neighborhood. We build partnerships with neighborhood associations/groups and local police to solve problems and improve public safety. To contact the committee, email

To register for the Soulard security camera program, a voluntary database of contact information of security cameras that we hope will expedite police detectives when investigating a crime, please click here.

Jeff Weitzel

Code & Zoning/PRT
Walker Hamilton

Brenton Henry 

Community Involvement & Events Committee
Brad Pitlyk

Jim Dallas

Veronica Putz

Julie Price

Parlour Tour
Jeanne Kirby

Properties / Soulard Station
Laura Grace
Bonita Leiber

Andrea Maddox-Dallas

Financial Statements

Financial Statements