September 2014 General Membership Meeting

SRG General Membership Meeting Minutes

 September 03, 2014


Meeting started at 7:06 PM


Board Members In Attendance:  Macy Mehrle, Nancy Kelly, Sean Cochran, Jill Weissgerber, Michael Pastore, Beth Bennett


Guests: Jeanne Kirby- Parlour Tour, Sharon Roberts- Carol House Quick Fix Pet Clinic


  1. Secretary’s Minutes
    1. Approved


  1. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Approved


  1. Police Report- Officer Brian Minn
    1. Incidents and Arrests
      1. Burglary-2326 S. 9th, Man tried to steal washer and dryer, was confronted by victim, police responded and arrested man
      2. Robbery- 2005 Menard, robbery at gunpoint via bicycle, police arrested culprits
      3. Robbery- 900 Allen, victims in car, man broke car window, reached into car, grabbed victims and said “give me your money”, was caught and arrested
    2. Vincent’s Robbery
      1. subject has been identified, warrant placed, homeless man, is wanted for 2 other incidents, one in Soulard, one in Maplewood
    3. Statements will be prepared and brought to next meeting for community to sign to influence sentencing 


  1. Guests
    1. Sharon Roberts- Carol House Quick Fix Pet Clinic
      1. 1218 S. Jefferson, open for 2 years, over 18,000 Animals have been fixed
      2. The Bark program, $10 for a cat to be fixed, $20 for a dog any size for low income city dwellers
      3. Will fix feral cats for $10
      4. Pit Bulls fixed for no charge at all, low income
      5. 3 times a week, wellness clinic, will look at any pet- shots are $15


  1. Announcements
    1. Mardi Gras Events have started, check out the schedule at
    2. Good Luck Bar at Victor and 9th is opening this Saturday, September 8th
    3. Concert in the Park this Saturday, September 8th
    4. Grizzly Game was a great time, good community event, Thank You to Jay Dinkleman!


  1. Old Business
    1. MGF grant request for cameras was not accepted
      1. The grant will be used to replace concrete wall at Boy’s Club
      2. Boys club matched grant from MGF


  1. New Business
    1. American Legion Post Fundraiser- Mr. Bill
      1. Monthly Happy Hour, September 19th, starts 4 PM
        1. Music from 5-8 PM
        2. Sliders, wings, and sweet potato fries
      2. Mouse Races will happen again- January 10, 2015
    2. Request to Move downstairs for better acoustics
    3. Soulard Garden Co-Op Fundraiser
      1. September 19th, starts at 4:30 PM 
      2. Garden is at 9th between Lami and Barton
      3. Happy Hour will include beverages and food
    4. Soulard Survey- Julie Price
      1. Some Soulard business are down 20-30%, want to compete with Ballpark Village
      2. Would like better marketing for Soulard and it’s establishments
      3. One website that encompasses all of Soulard
        1. residence, businesses, market, events
      4. Hired Marketing Company to put together website
        1. Company has worked with Grand Center Area, see results
      5. Survey on Nextdoor to gain information from residents on what they think of Soulard to hep with Marketing campaign- how do they want Soulard to be portrayed?
      6. Soulard Alliance- committee formed to work on campaign
      7. SBA is putting seed money down to get this operation started


    1. Scott Sandler- Pizzeoli Restaurant
      1. 1928 S. 12th st.
      2. Neapolitan Pizza, brick oven, will start off with 4 or 5 options, will have vegan and vegetarian options, no meat on pizza, beer wine
      3. hoping to open middle of October
      4. Follow the action at or
    2. Sonny’s Cart Show
      1. Next Saturday, September 8th at noon
      2. Best Cart, Best Stereo, Best Worst Cart


  1. Committee reports
    1. Beautification-Richard Eaton
      1. Noticing more graffiti lately
        1. make sure to report graffiti to Brightside for removal,
      2. Aboussie Park- John Durnell
        1. weed warriors are going to tackle it this Saturday, September 8th
          1. 9-12, give an hour or two, whatever you can!
      3. Art Auction for Art in the Garden
        1. Friday, October 3rd, starts at 5 PM
    2. Code & Zoning-Jay Gibbs
      1. 10th and Allen property will be made into 2 town homes
        1. Artistic rendering available for viewing
      2. Star Design Building- Shenandoah and Menard
        1. new set of plans have been received and reviewed


      1. Polar Wave Ice Complex- 9th and Barton
        1. would like to put 40 or so apartments in the building
      2. 1212-14 Lynch- a developer bought it and is going to make 2 town homes out of former four family
    1. Communications- Macy Mehrle
      1. To receive announcements, go to and sign up for the blaster
      2. To submit announcements, email
      3. Renaissance deadline is Thursday, September 18th, send articles to
      4. Paper will be delivered on October 6th
    2. Fundraising-Rick Dungey & Billy Tomber
      1. October event at Union Station- October 3-4
      2. Oktoberfest- October 10-12
        1. volunteers needed
        2. sign up for a shift to volunteer at volunteer spot
    3. Membership-Jill Weissgerber
      1. Jackie and Steve Parker are hosting the social this evening- 1220 Sidney St
      2. New rosters are available
      3. working on some new membership events
        1. will be at Vincent’s this Friday recruiting residents
      4. come to membership meeting
    4. Residential Promotion-Julie Price
      1. Entryway markers will be placed at prominent Soulard entryways
      2. 4 designs have been approved by committee 
        1. designs need to be approved by the city and SRG
      3. Potluck in the Park, September 14th at noon
        1. Meat will be provided
        2. bring side dish, chairs, games
    5. Safety-Bill Clendenin
      1. Fall Safety Walk- after Gen Mem Meeting on Wednesday, October 1st
        1. look for burnt out street lights, graffiti 
      2. Looking for block captains
    6. Soulard Station
      1. no report
    7. MGI-Gary Toribio
      1. Mardi Gras Events have started, check out the schedule at
    8. Parlour Tour- Jeanne Kirby
      1. Looking for houses for tour
      2. First weekend in December, 6-7th
      3. contact Jeanne Kirby for information,
      4. In need of publicity director


Meeting adjourned at 8:22 PM


September 2014 Board Meeting


August 2014 Board Meeting