August 16, 2023

By Elizabeth Henry

Board Members present:
Abbey Bethel, President Abby Goodson, Director Stephen Shuman, Director
Adriano Martinez, President-Elect Margi Koors, Director Connie Suydam, Director
Debby Brown, Treasurer Craig Markham, Director Amanda Ramcharan, Director
Elizabeth Henry, Secretary Aaron Terry, Director

Abbey Bethel called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. 

  1. Soulard Performers Foundation Presentation 

Tommy Wishhouse introduced the Soulard Performers Foundation to the Board and described the vision for a Summer Concert Series. He presented conservatively high per-event cost estimates for a recurring Music Festival in Soulard Market Park. 

The ask of the SRG is for contacts in the community to share experience, knowledge, and help securing co-sponsors. More broadly, the goal is to create a national following for St. Louis artists. Abbey Bethel suggested some names for him to contact.

  1. Secretary’s Report

Elizabeth Henry requested a motion to approve June minutes. Adriano Martinez made the motion. Stephen Shuman seconded. Margi abstained while unable to review hard copies of the minutes. The rest of the Board voted unanimously to approve. The motion passed.

  1. The Treasurer’s Report

Debby Brown reviewed income and expenses year to date.  The SRG has $81,000 in cash on deposit.

  1. Committee Updates

Margi Koors, liaison to Membership, reported the SRG might reach the goal of 500 members this year. One snag in the budget: rosters were more expensive this year. Margi requested a motion to raise the allocated budget from $500 to $709 to accommodate the real costs already incurred. Stephen made the motion, Adriano seconded. All voted in favor, and the motion passed. Margi noted that the committee will be more careful before incurring expenses going forward. 

As liaison to Development as well, Margi noted the Oktoberfest volunteer sign-up is coming soon.

Craig, liaison to the Historical Committee, reported on recent neighbor presentations. They were approached by the CID regarding their sign project, including the skyscraper banners. The Board discussed how feedback might be facilitated to the CID and ultimately determined they would like to encourage a channel for all Soulard residents to provide feedback before designs are finalized.

Amanda, liaison to PRT, said there is a stop work order from the City for a property on Shenandoah for not complying with historic requirements. 

Abbey, liaison to Properties, noted she has a meeting with the Committee Chair this month. 

Aaron Terry, liaison to the Safety Committee, said representatives from the City were present at the most recent meeting. They are receiving engagement via

Stephen, liaison to CI&E, reported on some Bastille Day follow-ups to address issues - first, a lack of police escorting. Stephen will follow up with Officer Dilg to see how to avoid similar issues going forward. He also commented on needing more volunteers next time. And finally, the guillotine was stuck because of the lock – lesson learned! Stephen is open to feedback and lessons learned. Budget-wise, of the allotted $1,200, the Committee contributed about $1,000. 

He also noted that they have a candidate for CI&E Committee Chair. 

Connie, liaison for Beautification, said the Art and Floral Show fundraiser had so many contributions that excess art will be used for the Oktoberfest auction. While the event earned more money this year, participation numbers were down. Connie attributed this decline to it taking place in August instead of September, and they may consider another time of year for the next one. The event’s budget was $3,000, and it made $3,224. 

Abby Goodson, liaison for Communication, explained that best practice for email blasters is to limit the number of dedicated off-schedule distributions. That said, the Midnight Ramble got a dedicated blaster because the route will impact residents and where their cars are parked. In other Committee news, the SRG website development ongoing.

  1. Executive Session

7:58 p.m.:  Abbey requested a motion to enter Executive Session. Abby Goodson made the motion. Aaron Terry seconded. The Board entered Executive Session.

8:18 p.m.: Abbey requested the motion to end Executive Session. Stephen Shuman so moved, and Craig Markham seconded. The Board exited Executive Session. 

  1. CI&E Committee Chair Appointment

Abbey requested a motion to appoint Brad Pitlik to lead the Community Involvement and Events Committee. Craig made the motion, and multiple board members seconded simultaneously. Stephen abstained. The rest of the Board voted to approve, and the motion passed. 

  1. Air Monitoring Data

The group wishing to present Air Monitoring Data to the SRG has declined the Board’s offer to let them host their own event at Soulard Station and has insisted on time with General Membership.  Abbey will ask other neighborhoods about their experience with this group before moving forward.

  1. Unhoused Encampment 

Craig recognized an email received by the Board from Neil Putz regarding unhoused individuals in the neighborhood. The area in question is owned by the State. Abbey confirmed law enforcement will take next steps with offering resources and eventually clearing the area.

Adriano made a motion to adjourn, and Craig seconded the motion. With a unanimous vote, the motion passed, and the Board adjourned at 8:27 p.m.


