September 6, 2023

By Elizabeth Henry

Abbey Bethel, President, called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

1. Opening Remarks

Abbey introduced herself to the General Membership along with the Board Members.

2. Committee Reports

A. Membership

Julie Price, Membership Committee Chair, summoned all new members to the front of the

room to introduce themselves.

She then announced that the SRG has 409 members currently and encouraged everyone to

recruit new neighbors. Julie noted that a goal of the Committee is to create a brochure.

Also, an Off-the-island adventure is in planning stage; ideas are welcome.

B. Historical

Veronica Putz, Historical Committee Chair, was joined by Neil Putz to announce the First

SRG Historical Award, which recognizes study and preservation of Soulard History, to Phyllis

Young. Veronica recounted the impressive ways Phyllis has served the neighborhood,

including the Historical Committee specifically. In her acceptance of the award, Phyllis

remarked on the changes since she moved to Soulard in 1978 and encouraged attendees to

visit the Pulitzer Arts Foundation to see an exhibit honoring the legacy of homes that have

been demolished in our city.

C. Safety

Andrea Maddox-Dallas, Safety Committee Chair, reminded the general membership that

Nation Night Out is October 3 rd . She is looking forward to neighbors getting signed up for the

GroupMe app for neighborhood communication.

D. Beautification

Richard Eaton, Beautification Committee Chair, thanks all who helped with the Art and

Garden Fundraiser in August, which raised $3,323.33. The next fundraiser will be the annual

Oktoberfest kick-off at Molly’s on Wednesday, October 11 th . The suggested donation is $20.

E. Development

Jim Dallas, Development Committee Chair, was joined by Cathy Weldon. Jim remarked that

the beer booths at Oktoberfest are his committee’s biggest fundraisers of the year and

requested volunteers. Then, Cathy shared details for the 2023 Oktoberfest. This year they

hope to address feedback that lines for beer have been too long and will include a history

booth to bring in more German culture. She also described the perks of a $30 VIP tent ticket,

which will include German food cooked by the Woodshack, specialty beers exclusive to the

tent, and, in coordination with the SBA, a Soulard Business passport.

F. Communications

Brenton Henry, Communications Chair, reviewed the scope of the committee, including the

email blaster, the SRG website, the Renaissance newspaper, and photo archives. He said

Oktoberfest volunteer sign-ups are on the website now. He updated the general

membership that email security has been a project and should be improved. He also

announced they need a new coordinator for the Renaissance.

G. Community Involvement & Events

Brad Pitnyk, the new Chair of the CI&E Committee, introduced himself to the SRG. He said

his primary focus is to increase engagement of all residents, including renters. Events will be

low-cost and recurring. He would like help brainstorming and would also like to partner with

business owners – not for freebies, but to team up for places to host events.

H. Parlour Tour

Jeanne Kirby, Parlour Tour Committee Chair, said this year will mark the 48 th year of the

Soulard Parlour Tour, and it will take place on Saturday, December 2 nd . There will be a festive

party afterward at South Broadway Athletic Club. Jeanne acknowledged the work being

done by Neil and Veronica Putz in preparation of the annual event.

I. Plan Review Team

Walker Hamilton, PRT Chair, provided some updates on specific properties, namely a Stop

Order put in place on development at Shenandoah. Unauthorized development should be

reported to the Citizen Service Bureau (CSB) at 314-622-4800. This number is also available

in the SRG email blaster and on the website.

Walker also noted that his committee is happy to help residents with questions about how

to care for their historical home.

J. Soulard Station

Bonita Leiber, Soulard Station Chair, said a contract is coming in for the new fence.

3. Treasurer’s Report

Debby Brown, Treasurer, noted that year-to-date, the SRG has earned a net income of $1,644

with approximately $82,000 cash on deposit.

4. Secretary’s Report

Elizabeth Henry, Secretary, said she would request a motion in October to approve meeting

minutes from June through September.

5. Alderwoman Update

In Cara Spencer’s absence, Isaiah ___ provided updates. He said the gun bill regulating

brandished weapons passed and was signed into law. Short Term Rentals (AirBNBs) will be a big

topic for the upcoming session later this month. He also reported that 911 dispatchers are short-

staffed and efforts are being made to fill gaps. SRG members had questions about this issue.

6. Soulard Neighborhood Organizations

A. Crime Report

Officer Kevin Dilg of the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, Third District Police

Liaison Reviewed crimes since the last membership meeting.

He circulated a Special Bulletin that’s been provided to Soulard businesses to remind

patrons of the risk of gun theft – specifically larceny from their vehicles.

Officer Dilg explained for the general membership how it is addressing homeless camps.

MODOT usually brings the encampments to their attention, and the first step is to offer

resources to the homeless. But if the homeless refuse and do not vacate, then they are

given a 10-day period to essentially be evicted. They will still be offered resources up until

10-day period is up, and then it gets cleared out.

One other announcement: November 11 th is Trivia Night, a fundraiser for Police Districts 3

and 4 on 7 th patrol. $280 for a table of 8.

B. Soulard Business Association (SBA)

Shawn Caruso clarified for general membership that the Soulard Business Passports have an

extended expiration of December 31 st . He also said there is an art contest for the Mardis

Gras Poster Design.

C. Community Improvement District (CID)

Terry Hoffman, Soulard CID Chairman, said that they will be ordering the new historical

street lights once technical specifications are received from the street department.

He announced that power will be installed in Pontiac Park in the next couple of months.

He also mentioned a prototype skyscraper banner is temporarily up on Geyer if anyone

wanted to take a look.

With no other announcements, Abbey Bethel requested a motion to adjourn. Brenton Henry made the

motion. Richard Eaton seconded. All voted in favor. The motion passed, and the meeting adjourned at

8:39 p.m.


