October 2014 Board Meeting Minutes

SRG Board Minutes Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2014

Meeting started at 7:04 p.m.

Present: Beth Bennett, Luann Denten, Nancy Kelly, Jeremy Mehrle, Jackie Parker, Steve Parker, Michael Pastore, Alicia Stellhorn and Mike Ziemann
Absent: Sean Cochran, Jill Weissgerber

Ryan Carter, prospective buyer of building in the 2200 block of South 12th Street, to discuss plans for the building.
Carter represented himself and Mark Seyer, his partner at Touchstone Transportation, which was founded in 2008.  He said that he had a contract on 2207 South 12th Street and that the purchase was his first time buying a commercial building. He said that Alderman Phyllis Young was willing to write a letter of recommendation for an occupancy permit but that she wanted the SRG Board to endorse the project as well.
Carter presented the Board an 8-page report.
He said that his business would not occupy the entire building, and that he hoped to block off the front and eventually rent it out as office space. He said he was willing to commit that no more than four vehicles would be stored in the building or lot.  Carter said that neighbors of the building that he had talked to were “good with it.” He pledged that his drivers would not idle in the neighborhood, nor drive around soliciting business.
Luann Denten moved that we write an endorsement letter with the stipulation that no more than four vehicles be parked there.  Michael Pastore seconded. Motion approved unanimously.


  1. Alicia Stellhorn noted that art auction final totals were not included in the report.
  2. A suggestion was made that the line item “Special Projects” be more clearly identified as the “Fence Project.” Nancy Kelly will discuss the dollar amount with Linda Kurdi. Beth Bennett noted that this is not a Beautification Committee project even though they are handling it.
  3. It was requested that the minutes include this question regarding the P&L statement: If rentals under Soulard Station Expenses total $1,063 and income for rentals is $284.16, “what are we renting that we aren’t charging for?”
  4. Jeremy Mehrle moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Michael Pastore seconded. Motion approved unanimously.


Steve Parker was welcomed as new Board secretary.


  1. New resident circulars have been delayed.
  2. An update on the volume of music events Soulard Station will be given later.
  3. The date of the next Board meeting was switched to Nov. 12 from Nov. 19 because of a conflict in some Board members’ plans. As a result, Alicia Stellhorn said checks would be issued Nov. 10.
  4. Ideas were shared on using SRG monies:
    1. Luann Denten said money might be used for the entry marker project. Estimates have been sought, and two have come back in the $2,500 range per marker. On Thursday, Nov. 20, four designs of metal markers will be shown to the public at Soulard Station.

    2. Beth Bennett suggested that money be used to purchase a pilot security camera for either 12th Street and Russell Boulevard or Seventh Street and Russell. Police would handle monitoring them. It was stated that such cameras cost about $10,000, but another member said prices had dropped to the $3,000 to $4,000 range.

    3. Beth Bennett said money might be used for a fence and gate around the Soulard Market bandstand. Pricing will be investigated.

    4. A suggestion that money be used for historic street lights was met with a discouraging price estimate of $300,000 a city block.
  5.  Taxi stands: Mike Ziemann says that cabdrivers aren’t using the stands, and that cabdrivers he has talked to seem unaware that they were supposed to use them and unwilling to move their cabs when he informed them of the policy.  Nancy Kelly suggested we talk to Officer Brian Min and Lisa Otke to make sure police patrols are cognizant that cabs should be using the stands. She said the Taxi Cab Commission told her that it couldn’t enforce the policy. Others said police have more important duties than enforcing cab stands. Alicia Stellhorn noted that cabdrivers comply in some other commercial areas with cabstands, and that drivers there would refuse a fare from someone not going to the first cab. Nancy Kelly said she would talk with Ron Klein to clarify the situation.


  1. Property at Utah and South Ninth Street. Alicia Stellhorn moved that we get a quitclaim deed on this small SRG-owned property and grant it to the owner of the abutting property. Michael Pastore seconded. Motion approved unanimously.
  2. The SRG Board will hold its December meeting over dinner at a neighborhood restaurant.


    Jackie Parker said that Rick Dungey reports that Soulard Oktoberfest should generate about $5,000 for SRG.
    The deadline for the Parlour Tour edition of the Renaissance is Nov. 13. Distribution should occur the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving. All articles from the most recent Renaissance are online.
  3. CODE & ZONING: No report.
  4. SAFETY: No report.
    1. Dedication of the Pontiac Park fence project is scheduled for Nov. 1. Volunteers are sought to hold the gates as they are being welded into place.
    2. A Brightside Grant has been received for plants at the small triangle at South 13th Street and Gravois. It was suggested that nothing be planted close to Gravois to avoid blocking the vision of motorists at a tricky turn.
    3. Beth Bennett is now coordinating streetside pots.
    4. Ticket sales for Vices and Virtues fundraiser Jan. 31 at the Mad Art Gallery are going well.
    1. Local hour will be held at 5 p.m. Nov. 13 at the Good Luck Bar.          
    2. Estimates were sought from six apparel producers for Soulard merchandise. Banker’s Advertising appears to offer the best deal. We will take order for ball caps, hoodies, T-shirts, fleeces, nylon coats. Items will not be kept on inventory. Some items, however, probably will be offered for sale at the Soulard Parlour Tour.          
    3. A discussion was held about the relationship of the SRG and SBA.

Michael Pastore moved that the meeting be adjourned. Luann Denten seconded. Motion approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.







November 2014 General Meeting Minutes


October 2014 General Membership Meeting Minutes